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This renewable assignment and module for Interpersonal Communication at Clark College give students the opportunity to share their new found knowledge in their choice of topic, as well as learn the importance of Universal Design for Learning.
This project included several modifications and additions to the instructor’s course, including a revised final assignment. The final assignment is now a "Take and Teach" PowerPoint or Poster (licensed CC BY NC SA 4.0). Students choose their audience and prepare a presentation about an interpersonal communication topic or situation of their choice. To prepare for the project, students review a new module titled: “Introduction to Universal Design for Learning and Open Education Resources” (licensed CC BY NC 4.0) that was developed collaboratively. The module includes written information, videos on Alt Text (licensed CC BY 4.0) and Accessibility Check (licensed CC BY 4.0), and assignments helping students understand and use: 1. Open Education Resources and, 2. Universal Design for Learning and Accessibility. Specifically, students learn how to find openly licensed images for their Take and Teach project and how to incorporate them with UDL, accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind.